Monday, April 25, 2005

simple things amuse simple people

I don't quite understand why people make fun of other people, or act like the person you're making fun of is so "stupid" that they don't know what you're doing. Hello, it's the 21st century!

Recently, I've been good at giving good (in my opinion) come backs at people who say dumb stuff to me that I would've thought offensive before, then they just say something
terrible (as in, terribly planned) in return. Today, I was in a similar situation. It was of this:

7th grader (
pokes me): Heeheeheeheehee.
Other 7th grader: Hahaha! Good one!
Me: Do you wanna die?
7th grader: Huh, no.
Other 7th grader: Well, you're dumb.
7th grader: HAHA! Good one!
(both 7th graders start giggling uncontrollably)

I mean, I couldn't think of anything better to say since it was so spontaneous, but if I had a little more time to think, I could think of something more witty and clever. In the lunch line one time, Mr. Hovda asked if the "
fudge things" came with the lunch, and I said, "No, they come with my hair cut!" Stupid, right? But my good friend Jenn thought of something better to say, but I got to saying mine first.

I'd much rather make jokes (you know, stick up for myself) about people than to get offended over
spilled milk.. Then, it's better on my behalf because they don't seem to get offended and neither do I.


At 6:08 AM, April 26, 2005, Blogger Jason said...

Ha..thats quite a story Brooke

At 11:03 AM, April 26, 2005, Blogger jac-atac said...

That's awful Brooke! I hope it was a joke and you weren't actually sounding threatening because I know you're better than that. :)

At 3:02 PM, April 26, 2005, Blogger [ brooke ] said...

Haha, thanks, Jason. And Jac, am I really better than that? Think hard.

At 6:22 AM, April 28, 2005, Blogger Jason said...

Everyone is better than that Brooke.

At 4:37 PM, April 28, 2005, Blogger [ brooke ] said...

Haha, yeah I guess Jason. I was just playing with Jac. I'm way better than that and you know it.


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