Friday, May 06, 2005


Last night, I had a strange dream about the rapture. My dad, sister, and I were driving in some mysterious town when my dad turns around from driving, looks out the back window, and says, "Hey! There's a cross in the clouds!" I look and sure enough, there is a coal colored cross in the middle of the clouds. The cross splits open and out comes the sun, and then a white outline of Jesus appears on the sun, and starts walking down towards and we're like, "Oh my garsh! It's the rapture!" We get out of the car and he steps down from some invisible steps, and we bow down, and other people are all confused sitting on peus (don't ask how they got there..) because the man we were bowing down to, certainly didn't look like how you would imagine Jesus to look, he had short, blonde hair wearing a green suit shirt and a black tie, with black pants and shoes. He sort of looked like this. Well, for some reason, he didn't take us up to Heaven with him, he just stayed down here with us. Well, we went to the grocery store and bought milk, then when I came home, he disappeared and someone attacked me from behind, and they brought me to a different house and put me in an electric chair type thing. All I thought was, "Oh no. I'm gonna die." Then, I just thought "Jesus, Help me!" Then, about 5 minutes later, he knocks at the door and the bad guy disappears. That's the end of that dream.


Jason, and Chris were going to the Superbowl and we had a list of who would be performing during the half-time show on a lanyard, with strange bands like B2k (is that even a band?), The Beatles, and last but not least, Jenni E. Reini! I don't really remember what happened after that, except Jason and Chris wanted to leave, but I said I had to stay to watch Jenni play. I hope this dream means that Jenni will be a big singer one day and doing gigs BIGGER than the Superbowl half-time show! w00t!

I have weird dreams.


At 8:25 PM, May 06, 2005, Blogger SuperStar said...

Brooke, I love your blog. You are HAWT.

At 9:27 AM, May 09, 2005, Blogger jac-atac said...

Dude, does Jenni WANT her full name advertised all over the Internet? I sure wouldn't.

And I'm always dreaming about the Apocolypse. That's pretty much the most repetitive Z's subject I view behind the eyelids.


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