Monday, June 06, 2005


Hey ya'll.. Sorry I haven't posted in a while. I just haven't had much time to come after school the past few weeks, and now that school is done I can't just prance over to the library like I could before. But, I'm here now.

As I sit here in this computer lab at the Hibbing Public Library, I am surrounded by at least four kids, all on the same website. They're rushing around running to each other's computer's asking what level they're on and whispering secrets. I'm not exactly sure of the website, but I'm sure they enjoy it. -sigh- Disney, Nickelodeon, Neopets.. I miss those innocent days as a wee(er) one.. Completely unaware of their surroundings, not caring what other people think, totally clueless of their future or what will happen at the end of the world.. And yet, some grown ones hardly share differences..

This makes me want to preach the gospel even more than I did before. They don't know what can and will happen and they'd better be safe than sorry. (Sorry about that, that last sentance can sound rude if you don't think of it right, I apologize.)

So, now that you have more time than you did before this summer, get out with your non-Christian friends and hang out, and preach the gospel! Some Christians look at me like I have a mask because I hang out with non-Christians and som Christians who aren't doing too well, but I'm doing it to be a good example to them and be a good friend, so I hope you understand that and I also hope that you don't look at me differently.

Note: Oh, and sorry if none of that made sense, it all makes sense in my head, but when I put it down it just doesn't seem to turn out the way I had hoped.


At 1:51 PM, June 06, 2005, Blogger jac-atac said...

Preach it, sista! Sha-wing!
(I don't really know what "sha-wing" means but it sounds really exuberant so I decided I'd try it.)

At 11:52 AM, June 14, 2005, Blogger Ben (discipleofElyon) said...

(about the note on the bottom)that makes sense.


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