Monday, May 16, 2005


I just don't understand how people think that there is no God. How else do you think we got here? Evolution? Oh yeah, I once was a little speck of algae growing on a rock in the middle of the stone age MILLIONS of years ago, and somehow, I just formed into a person. That's completely absurd and ridiculous. There is no other explanation, there WAS and IS a God, the ONE and ONLYYYYYYYYY. Get it? Got it? Good.

Some people just don't even care if they're going to Hell or not or whatever they do. (Yes, I'm sure some of you know why I said that.) Today, I discovered that a male in my grade has decided to turn homosexual. What IS the point? I just can't seem to get it through my pea-sized brain why anyone would even WANT to do that. Yeah, I prayed for him 2nd hour after I was done taking a test silently in my seat giving me the courage to somehow tell him what the crap he's doing and what is gonna happen.

And on Good Morning Northland today, they're doing this new experiment down in Minneapolis at a Cub Foods, that instead of money or credit check or whatever the heck they do in grocery stores, they're doing fingerprints. FINGERPRINTS! Could this be the start of the rapture? (Because, well, it says that there will be computer chips inserted in our foreheads or wrists and that will be our form of pay if they scan it, and I guess fingerprints could be the start of it..)

I just pray that all the Christians and believers out there will get the courage to preach the gospel and get off their butts and do what God put us here for!

I also pray for the people who make bad, bad, bad, BAD decisions in life. God, help them.

Do they even know?


At 2:41 PM, June 06, 2005, Blogger Jes said...


We are all different. Those of us who believe in evolution and not in God choose to believe that because we have been presented with the same evidence that you have and have decided to go another, way. Stop treating it as if we are in the dark. We don't believe in heaven and hell, so we don't worry about it. I choose not to live my life by laws created by man in the facade of a God, and after being raised Catholic, I grew tired of men telling what God thought, when they have no more of an understanding than I do. I respect you for your beliefs, but choose not to agree. We allow you to go about your way, why can't you leave us alone. If you are right, you are right, and you are going heaven, If I'm right, then live life to its fullest and become one with the earth.

Love sister.


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