Tuesday, July 05, 2005

"But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the sinful nature with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit. Let us not become conceited, provoking and envying each other." Galatians 5:22-25

Patience. Something that many of us do not have and those few of us who do have it sometimes lose it. If you know me, which most of you do since you are at this here blog, you know that I am definitely NOT a patient person at most times, and I get frustrated very, VERY, VERY easily. Just last Sunday I was "playing" tennis with a few good friends and I just could not seem to hit the ball. If the ball was coming at me, I panicked and quickly swung the racquet I was using and, as a result, the ball went flying 40 feet into the air way over to the left. I kept doing that (unintentionally, of course) and quickly got frustrated. I just decided not to play and watch the others actually hit the ball back and forth.. Tennis is a game that you need a lot of patience in.. I must learn to not get so frustrated at stupid things and make my patience level a bit higher.

Someone who plays tennis and knows enough about it to teach someone else
Must have patience
Please contact What's Her Face immediately!


At 12:38 PM, July 05, 2005, Blogger Ben (discipleofElyon) said...

I am not good at tennis either. But I have only tried once.

At 3:39 PM, July 05, 2005, Blogger Jason said...

You'll get better at tennis you just have to play it more thats all

At 9:08 PM, July 05, 2005, Blogger Jenni said...

Hey Brooke. We should totally get together once a week and play. We're both pretty bad. Remember when you came out and played with me, my mom, and other ppl (i can't remember who) You got better than. So, yeah, i guess i'm not cute, but i'm not a guy either. lol. okay, but, yeah, i'm totally serious. It'll give us both a reason to get outside.

tootles! :)

At 1:28 PM, July 06, 2005, Blogger Jenni said...

What's Natalie's blog?

tootles! :)

At 9:49 AM, July 07, 2005, Blogger [ brooke ] said...

I think I actually like playing tennis.. I just have to get better at it. There aren't many sports that I like to play, and this one I do. So maybe I could just go there by myself and practice serving then once I get that down I can practice the other stuff. Let's do it, Jenn! Or, I could always wait for the tennis instructor.. Haha, just kidding.

At 10:26 PM, July 07, 2005, Blogger JC said...

Hey Brooke-
I would love to hang out with you on the tennis court. I'm not that cute, but we can work on hitting and serving. I'm not pro, but it is a great life sport and some things just take practice.

At 10:38 AM, July 08, 2005, Blogger [ brooke ] said...

Sure, JC!


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