Thursday, September 15, 2005

run-on post

I think that for this post, I will make it one long paragraph, using only spaces and commas, please don't leave in the middle of the post, just imagine the proper punctuation in place. And remember, I am doing this for my own entertainment and, of course, to annoy my fellow readers! Let the run-on begin!

On Saturday I went to Chelsea's for a POA meeting which stands for Puppets Of America and all the POA Members who attended this "meeting" were Jason, Andrew, Kari, Sydney, Britt, Natalie, Jenn, Jess, Chelsea (of course), and myself and Rachel was there too and she kept running in the room trying to join in on our little meeting (I personally think it's because she likes Jason, but that's my opinon) but we kept pushing her out and we had to practice this scene over and over with the puppets and the kids on the tape said "bummer deal man", so if you ever hear me say that it just means "oh crap" because I feel slightly embarassed when I accidently blurt that phrase out in my Spanish class and get a few looks from the people around me including Senor Franklin, anyway back to the POA meeting, Jess, Britt, and Syd left and then we were all being really weird and doing stuff like hiding Jason's shoes then saying movie lines and choking other POA members and saying that if they didn't get up Jason would do CPR ( and then they would get up, HA) on them and after the meeting we played the longest game of the addams family ever where Rachel was running around her yard and we were all going after her, except for me who was lying on the porch laughing hysterically, but then I got ahold of myself and ran around with them, on Sunday I did the puppets and it's not as easy as doing skits because you're singing and moving your hand really quickly so it gets tired after the first 7 milliseconds of puppeting and after I had a water fight with Kari and Pope and besides that nothing exciting has happened except that my Grandma and Grandpa came up and my Grandma made me a quilt and it's flippin sweet and yesterday PA broke a pencil on my head and I watched a group of boys immitating strange bodily functions with their hands and water so I got weirded out so then I went to McDonald's with Jason, Mark, Pope, and Steph and some people were being really weird and then this whole clan of Open Door people came so we kinda chatted with them and we talked about SYATP (this Wednesday 7 AM, your flagpole, w00t) and I found out that Alex is a homecoming candidate and Jason gave me a ride home and I went to bed and went to school and now I am here writing this really annoying post and it's driving me crazy since I'm an Honors English student and I'm not using proper punctuation, ahh, and I've also been watching Elf alot and yesterday was picture day and I hope I didn't look like an ostrich like I did last year and I kicked Jason after I got my picture taken and a few people asked me who it was so i told them, kinda.

I had to stop, I needed proper punctuation, I WAS GOING CRAZY, and I'm sure you were too, and now you're silently thanking me, unless some of you decided to read it aloud.
If you vote for Alex, all of your wildest dreams will come true.
What chick should I vote for?


At 7:56 PM, September 15, 2005, Blogger Jason said...

Yeah Alex is funny, im not sure who im going to vote for. But yeah dont kick me in the butt again without me even knowing your even there, that hurt.

At 3:05 PM, September 17, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Vote for Summer!



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