Tuesday, September 06, 2005

improvement (newly edited)

Well, kids, the end of summer is approaching fast. Just a few short hours left, sadly. I thought I would post about how I've "improved" over the summer. I won't say how I've changed for the worse, because that just won't get us anywhere. Let's start, shall we? They are in no particular order.

  1. Appearence I've gotten my hair cut and I look older (according to some), and I am now, officially, a metal mouth. If I look angry, that's only because I can't bite down on my back teeth so I'll look angry, and it's hard to smile. Oh well. I'll live with it. The metal in my mouth is for my appearence to change even more drastically. w00t!
  2. Relationships I think I have improved my relationships with friends, and more importantly God. I am more loyal to doing my devotions and spending time with Him than I was a few months ago.
  3. Personal hygenie No comment.
  4. Better searching skills If ever a dog or friend gets lost, I can find them quicker. If ever you are in a situation like that, I recomend bikes, they go quicker than your legs alone.
  5. Better flirting skills? Blame Jac-Atac for this one, she's the one who told me to put it up. I have nothing to say about this one. Seriously. Since I don't agree with it.
  6. Better communication skills According to a very reliable source, if I make a mistake, I'm not too proud to admit it and I make a great effort to making things right. I, still, have to improve these skills even more.
  7. More pain resistent Whether it's getting smashed into by another car or another person, stabbed with a giant stick, or having my foot with the ingrown toenail (sorry, guys) being stepped on numerous times, I have learned to cope with pain better. Both physical and emotional! My emotional intelligence has improved, also! Yeah!
  8. Better blogging skills I've come up with better posts and I have also improved my vocabulary! Go Brooke!

I'm on a roll!


At 4:08 PM, September 06, 2005, Blogger [ brooke ] said...

That's a really dumb post.

At 6:49 PM, September 06, 2005, Blogger Jason said...

Brooke, did you learn the better finding people skills when you were searching for me when I was like out of it with my concussion and walking in front of cars while crossing roads without even knowing it.

At 7:12 AM, September 07, 2005, Blogger dangeresque dan said...

You've learned to deal with constantly getting run over/killed. Sorry about that night in tree park when playing Sam Fisher.

Oh yeah, you've also become quite adept at the blogging thing.

At 7:57 PM, September 07, 2005, Blogger jac-atac said...

Haha. You flirtinator.

At 9:17 AM, September 08, 2005, Blogger jac-atac said...

And Jason had a concussion? Yikes!

And besides the flirting thing, I think that you've improved with your emotional intelligence in the past few months.

So he got a concussion, ey?

At 2:54 PM, September 08, 2005, Blogger [ brooke ] said...

Thanks everyone.

And Jason, yes, that was what I was reffering to.


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