Thursday, September 01, 2005

Have you noticed lately that all the car dealerships have been having "employee discounts" to all their customers? Wonder why? Recently, a somewhat reliable source told me that they are now creating cars that run on pure hydrogen, which is more flammable than unleaded gasoline (not that you needed to know). That is, in fact, why they are getting rid of all the make room for the hydrogen burning automobiles! w00t! With the technology we have these days (and have had for a while) you would think that the oh-so smart scientists would've come up with an alternative to gasoline long ago. Turkey gizzards, chicken fat, vegetable oil. WE WOULD SETTLE FOR ANYTHING BUT GASOLINE SINCE IT IS WELL OVER $5 A GALLON IN SOME PLACES! But with Visine at $1100 per gallon (courtesy of the colonel), some would rather settle for gasoline. Hopefully, by the time I drive, they'll have everything sorted out and I'll be driving cheaply.


At 3:58 PM, September 01, 2005, Blogger jac-atac said...

I went to Sullivan's on Monday, and they had a smallish size jar of pickled turkey gizzards there. I think it cost like eleven bucks!

At 6:07 PM, September 01, 2005, Anonymous Anonymous said...

No Brooke its not flammable because they use the hydrogen from Water, which would be the source of fuel, and that means it is not flammable or does it pollute the earth.
-just a friend

At 2:56 PM, September 12, 2005, Blogger [ brooke ] said...

Yes, it is a brand of eyedrops!


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