Friday, November 25, 2005

I hope you all had a good Thanksgiving! I did, I suppose. My neighbors came over to join us for dinner, and they annoy me. They really have no reason to annoy me, they never did anything to me. But I just get annoyed and really stressed out by them. And I don't even know why. The female half calls my mom "Momma" which disturbs me because she is MY momma, and not hers. But why should I care? If she wants to call her Momma, go for it. BUT IT SHOULDN'T ANNOY ME, GAUL DANGIT. Sorry.

And, I forgot to push record on Wednesday for Lost, and I called my mom but she wasn't home, so she couldn't either, so I missed it. And all the things happened that I was waiting to happen. Like the husbands who were seperated from their wives reuniting, Shannon being shot. YES. It all happened. Augh. Oh well. OH. And to top it off, I have an aching headache and an infection, which I will not give details on whatsoever. People were being rude to me in English all week in school. Just.. Augh. BLECHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH.

This is not my day. Or, rather, week.


At 8:56 PM, November 27, 2005, Blogger JC said...

Hey Brooke-
Hope your week gets better. Maybe they will show that ephisode of Lost again later in the week. I've noticed that ABC sometimes runs the "hot" shows more than once.
Good luck

At 3:00 PM, November 29, 2005, Blogger [ brooke ] said...

Thanks everyone. (:


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