Thursday, November 03, 2005

Well, Amber came home this weekend! It was great fun. We went to the NK Game then went to the Willy's for pizza afterwards, and we met a kid named Kyle from NK, he's really nice. On the way home, Amber and I bought soup for Mark and Kari cuz they were both sick (and now alot of poeple in the youth group are sick because germs spread quickly) and we chatted for a short while then left. On Sunday, I played on worship team and after the 2nd service, some of us went to McDonald's. Following McDonald's, a few of us went to Jason's for a while (I can't even remember why.. Jason had to get something at his house or something.. it doesn't matter. CONTINUING) and then we went to Wal-Mart, did stuff there, saw a singing deer.. Jason and I went to the Reini's so he could drop something off, then Jenni and I went to my house hoping that my mom could bring us to cell groups (she said she would) then when we got there, she complained so we had to have the Colonel and the Blonde bring us (sorry). Cell groups was interesting. Blah blah blah.. We had pizza.. Then we had the ride out to the Drewlow's for the HAYRIDE. Muahaha, now the interesting half of the post!
At the farm, there were two trailers pulling hay behind the tractor, a calm and a rowdy one. I went on the calm one, then knocked some sense into myself and went on the rowdy one. I had about 6 people on top of me wrestling each other numerous times, and they didn't know I was under there. Someone pulled me up every time. Half way through the ride, more than half of the rowdy was now on the calm, more room to tackle. Yessssssssss. Siiiiiiiii. I was talking to Amber, I believe, when Luke comes up and shoves hay in my face and tackles me and continues shoving it in my face, mouth, and hair. I escaped then later did it in return, to him and to everyone else who was left.. Except Kranny. I was pushed off once, but we weren't moving, so I wasn't injured. Yeah. I got to see lots of my buds who went away to college this week. Craig, Ruth, Deanne, Thomas, and AMBER! So it was a good weekend. Yeah. It was.


At 9:13 PM, November 03, 2005, Blogger Shainerz said...

I would like to make an announcement. I, Amber Shain, was the one who pushed Brooke off of the hayride. YEAH BABY! haha. So what if it wasn't moving...I was just "playing it safe".. on the rowdy trailer? haha That was such a blast!! I had tons of fun hanging with ya, Brooksterz! Really looking forward to next weekend :)


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