Thursday, September 29, 2005

Howdy (thanks, colonel)! Well, readers (I do believe that the number of readers is slowly decreasing, due to the number of comments on my most recent posts), my apologies for not posting much lately. I have been quite busy with jail and my duties that must be accomplished in order for me to make bai--graduate. I've also been working with the school play, which I'm ecstatic about. A select few of us have been doing practically everything, always running errands for Miss G or Dustin (the head techie..guy), getting costumes, and everything else you can think of. The other ones basically clean out the prop room and sit around and wait to be asked to do stuff, while we ask if there is anything that needs to be done, and we make ourselves available. It's jolly good fun! You certainly have to "keep your cool" in drama, because there are some unexpected things that do sometimes happen, and some people don't always use the best language (I'm assuming it will get worse as the dates of the show grow closer), but I can cope. It actually is humoring, and I am enjoying it muchly.
Spamber came up for a visit last weekend, surprising us all (well, except for me, since it was sorta my idea) during Wednesday Youth Service, and everyone went crazy. There's a lot of stuff a bunch of us did. We went out to Sammy's the day she came (her first meal here), and the day she left (her last meal here, well, it was supposed to be, but then things changed). We watched tennis a few times, went and got licked by some
dogs (don't ask), and cheered GRIME-BOMB a few times. It was a great weekend, Amber, and I can't wait to see you at MYC! I miss you! I love you!
The band is coming along great. We're practicing for the winter benefit, which I hope you will all attend. It'll be, like, our first concert. The pops concert doesn't really count. We figured out an introduction of ourselves, and it's pretty sweet.

Alright, to the nerd side of me. I have been watching Lost's new season, and it is very suspenseful, leaving me at the edge of my seat (actually, I fell off) throughout the entire episode. That is pretty much one of the only things I get excited about these days, since I'm not really in a sport. OK, I lied, I get excited about everything. Pretty much. Also, in English during a test, I heard some people talking (yes, we talk during tests, everyone does, including the teacher) and I could've sworn that I heard someone say Star Wars and Lord of the Rings in the same sentance, so I shot up and said, "I think I just heard Star Wars and Lord of the Rings in the same sentance!!" and the whole class starting saying, "Wow, what a nerd, that's pathetic" etc. etc., except for Gemini, who said something like, "Hey, you hear that all the time when you come to my house!" Gemini, you rock.

I hope you're all having a great week.
Brittany, get well soon.
Jason, good luck tomorrow in football.
Brittany, get well soon.
Pope, good luck being a "pope."
Brittany, get well soon.

Pervets, go away.
Amber, come back.
Bobbie Jo, fix Tompkins soon.
Jac, I love you.
Brittany, GET WELL SOON.


At 8:34 AM, September 30, 2005, Blogger Colonel Havoc said...

In the obvious answer to your opening word/query...

"I fare well, thank you."

The End

At 11:07 AM, October 05, 2005, Blogger jac-atac said...

I love you too sweet thanggg ;P


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